5 Things Writers Can Learn from Hallmark Christmas Movies

5 Things Writers Can Learn from Hallmark Christmas Movies pic

Cue a jingly Christmas tune. Close-up shots of Christmas ornaments. Fade in and out actors credits followed by a Christmas-y, possibly clever, potentially cheesy title. Now enter the main players, they aren’t in love, then they are, then they aren’t, and then they are again. Yet more often than not we’ll tune in to watch them or record them on our DVR and walk away with satisfaction. So, the question is…why? And what can we, as writers, learn from them? Continue reading “5 Things Writers Can Learn from Hallmark Christmas Movies”

Sailing the Seven C’s of a Better Blog

lightstock_75566_medium_novelaficionadaAnyone who can use the internet can blog, but it takes more than key-taps and mouse-clicks to craft a well-formed post.  So here are seven easy steps to help you make a better blog.

1: Condensability

Keep it short.  If you’re writing a how-to or a business blog, save your long-winded literary commentaries for another day.  Stay on topic and say what needs to be said.  If you go into long run-on thoughts and explanations, you’re likely to lose your readers.  Continue reading “Sailing the Seven C’s of a Better Blog”