Thursday 360 Challenge

Thursday 365 pic 3Welcome to Thursday 360!

Are you a Christian writer? Think you can write a mind-blowing short story in 360 words or less? Let’s see what you’ve got!

Here’s How it Works

New posts will publish here on Thursdays. Write a 360-word (or less) flash fiction story based on the photo prompt (featured near the bottom of this post) and enter it in the comments section below. The results will be posted the following Thursday along with the new prompt. Winner will get the opportunity to display the Champion’s Badge on their website.

Rules and What-not

The rules are pretty simple. All entries for the current challenge must be posted by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday, April 27th. They must be original, unpublished stories inspired by the photo prompt and they must have no more than 360 words (title doesn’t count). Stories don’t have to be Christian in subject matter, but cannot contain foul language, erotic, anti-Christian content, etc… (Let’s try to keep it G-rated, folks.) By posting, you attest that your entry conforms to these rules; I am in no way liable if it doesn’t. I reserve the right to reject/delete anything that does not follow the rules.

All entries remain the property of their authors.

Results for Last Week’s Challenge

Champion: Charles W. Short for his story Loving Out Loud in a Broken World.

Here’s your e-badge, Charles.

updated thursday 360 e-badge

The Prompt

And here’s the prompt for this week’s challenge.

Remember the deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday, April 27th.

Photo Credit, David Niblack,


Also, remember to become a follower so you can get email notifications of results and new posts.


Check out Christian Flash Weekly after you’re done for another great contest to help you hone your short fiction skills.

4 thoughts on “Thursday 360 Challenge

  1. Whoo hoo, always glad to get the nod, and all the better as it was my first ever three-peat. The competition was rough, but I will take what I can get.

    Over on my site the entries were even scanter, but I have been too busy to do normal publicity so I guess I deserved the empty echoes.

    Now to see what I can do with this picture. Maybe this is Rick the foreman that James handed the coffee to last week. But if so, or even if not, it will have to wait til later.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Forgotten Adventures of Wesley the Janitor

    Wesley the janitor had no memory of anything before May 26, 2386. It didn’t bother him. The other employees on Space Station Omega 18, assumed he had received some severe brain injury.

    Then pirates attacked the station. He remained normal during the early stages of the battle, until after the shields were knocked out. They boarded through a hull breech on the housing deck. A portion of his training came back to him suddenly.

    He snatched a straggling member of the boarding party into his quarters, snapped his neck, and studied him. More of his memory flooded back. He had been a trained operative. When he retired his memory was wiped clean, he was given a new identity and all record of him was removed from all relevant databases.

    Only he didn’t trust the equipment and had bribed the operator to put in a mental switch, allowing his memory to return for a time if he needed it.

    The dead man was better armed than a pirate, and carrying Aravacian equipment. It was an easy assumption they had come here after him. The whole station would be destroyed, because of him. He leaned back against his wall, looking up to God and begging for the lives of the rest of the crew. He had friends for the first time in his life. He belonged to the base chapel and knew God in a very personal way. He hated remembering who he was, what he had done.

    Then he wiped away his tears, blew his nose, took the weapons off the dead operative and went to work. He knew the odds were against him, but he would rather ask God’s help and do what he could, than to do nothing.

    Following the trail of dead base workers, he found the insurgent team on the bridge level. He caught them before they set the self-destruct, and with God’s help he overcame them.

    He found himself standing on the bridge, amid a score of dead bodies, and no memory of how he got there. He had no knowledge of the fight, that his cover was blown, or that others would surely be coming.

    360 words


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